
Watch a piece of choreography from our weekly Dance for PD® class on April 29, 2021. Mudita Nisker and Ellie Kerwin created this piece by playing with different movement qualities and making sounds together. Then they taught it to the rest of the class and created a group dance.


Mudita Nisker and Ellie Kerwin

Warren Brunetti, Debbie Collins, Yael Fletcher, Martha Friedberg, Grace Grafton, Mary Haan, Mel Hilario, Michelle Johnston, Ellie Kerwin, Kathleen Meagher, Mudita Nisker, Cathy Wake Quides, Srinidhi Seshadri, Ruth Tavlin, and Shirley Taylor

Video Editing
Srinidhi Seshadri

Created in dNaga’s Dance for PD® Oakland program


Dance Studies Spring 2020