The creation of SHOCK began in the fall of 2012, and was originally performed to an interview with Rose Firestone conducted three days before she received Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery. During this dance’s creation, dancer Herb Heinz postponed his own DBS procedure three times due to fear regarding the procedure, and Artistic Director Claudine Naganuma used this as motivation to continue the interview process with Ray Ponce, Dave Alport and Luanne Wilson. The interviews, augmented by a provocative sound score by composer Joel Davel, examine the procedure and subsequent management of electrical impulses. The interviews were approached with a journalistic spirit, hoping to offer a balanced view on this very complex subject. dNaga most recently performed SHOCK at the World Parkinson’s Congress in September of 2016.

Noah Becker

alto saxophonist | clarinetist | composer | copyist

Layers of Oak and Stone

