Faerie Birds is inspired by the Japanese folk tale of the Crane Wife. It is an abstract exploration of the story that spans three generations.

At Mills College, Oakland

Dancers: Sierra Joe Lash, Claudine Naganuma, and Hiroko Tamano

Choreographer: Claudine Naganuma

Music Composer: Joel Davel

Videographer: Yolanda Accinelli

At SomArts Cultural Center, San Francisco

May 1–4, 2003
Part of the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center’s United States of Asian America Festival

Dancers: Claudine Naganuma, Hiroko Tamano, Lesley Braithwaite, Jose Ivan Ibarra, Susan Yee, Kyla James, Prima Cristofalo and Sierra Joe Lash

Choreography, costumes: Claudine Naganuma

Original Music: Guillermo Galindo (in collaboration with Joel Davel)

Lighting Designer: Dale MacDonald


Photos by Yolanda Accinelli

Noah Becker

alto saxophonist | clarinetist | composer | copyist


peace about life: Dancing with Parkinson’s


Ceremony of Angels